Training Courses

Getting Started in Unit Still Photography
Ready to kickstart your journey as a Unit Still Photographer? This course is designed to help you break into the world of on-set photography, offering expert insights and practical tips for photographers looking to make their mark. Whether you're an established photographer or just getting started, you'll gain the skills and confidence to succeed on set.
Topics Covered:- Building Your Portfolio & Securing time on set
- Expanding Your Professional Network
- Negotiating Contracts & Managing Paperwork
- Navigating Union Membership
- Set Safety Essentials

Working with Talent & Crew
Master the dynamics of working on set by learning to tackle unique challenges and collaborate seamlessly with actors and crew. This training equips you with essential skills for building strong relationships, working effectively with the camera department, and upholding professionalism through set etiquette.
Topics Covered:- Adapting to Actors' Needs and Challenges
- Effective collaboration with the camera department
- Handling personality clashes, and maintaining professionalism
- Building strong relationships
- Protocols for covering jobs for fellow photographers
- Set Etiquette and Safety

The Importance of Personal Work
I share my journey from Cleveland to Hollywood in pursuit of becoming a Unit Still Photographer, starting with no industry contacts. A personal photography project became the key to my success. In this course, I discuss how personal work informs my on-set photography and vice versa. We'll explore why personal projects matter and the doors they can open.